Vantage Point
If you are fortunate to live in a vantage point as we do, you would see things like the ones I am presenting in this small photo gallery.We face directly to West, having downtown Ottawa right in front of us with its imposing Parliament building.
We can see the Sun going down every day when it is not cloudy; even with clouds, it is beautiful every time.
We can see the Moon making a long curve in the sky until it disappears on the horizon, in a trajectory that moves every day until it shines gloriously at its full stage.
We can see storms approaching because it is usually from Southwest that they arrive.
We can see Fall taking over with its orange, red and yellow beauty.
We can see the entire surface covered in white during the Winter.
We can see the clouds coming down making we think we are flying.
Just the other day, we could see a falcon visiting us!
We can enjoy the spectacular firework displays three or four times a year.
We can enjoy the beauty of Nature every single minute I reach my balcony although we cannot see the opposite direction where the Sun rises, the same way we cannot see the Moon beginning its trajectory. No problem! What we see is already more than enough!
“In spite all this beauty” – said a friend of mine – “you could die without remedy if an earthquake strikes Ottawa!”.
True! Ottawa occasionally suffers some minor to medium earthquakes and, from my vantage point, I will not be able to reach the ground on time if a big one would hit the city.
“Good deal!” – I replied to my friend. “When this would happen – if it would ever happen in my lifetime – I would be able to witness the entire city crumbling apart and you would not!”.
Hoping that out tectonic plates stay quiet for the next millennia to come, let us enjoy our vantage point!
09/11/2015 22:48Fantastic view and pictures!
09/11/2015 23:17Thank you, Lena!